The constitution of Emovon-Otamere Friends Club




We, the friends that grew up in the Emovon and Otamere areas of old 3rd East Circular Road, now called, Murtala Muhammed Way in Benin City, Nigeria, realising that by coming together as a club we shall further our friendship and with the firm belief that as members of this club contribute to our collective welfare and that of the community we come from; do resolve to form ourselves into a club to be known as “EMOVON-OTAMERE FRIENDS CLUB.”

(a) Name of the club
The name of the club shall be known as and called “EMOVON-OTAMERE FRIENDS CLUB.”

(b) Mission statement
To carry out empowerment programmes for members, our families and others within the community we come from in Benin City, Nigeria.

(c) Vision
To help each other and members of our families in time of need and extending same to our community through voluntary contributions from members and others.

(d) Aims and objectives
1. To unite our families;
2. To be there for one another; and
3. To meet regularly to deliberate on helping our families and community in Nigeria.



(a)(i) Qualification
Membership shall consist of:
1. Male and Female;
2. Be of good behaviour;
3. Persons who once resided in Emovon-Otamere area of old 3rd East Circular Road and environ; and
4. Any other person who the club deems fit to be a member of the club.

(ii) Disqualification/Expulsion
A member that fails to attend six (6) consecutive general meetings without permission or/and commit an act that the general meeting consider as unbecoming of a member of the club shall be deemed suspended from the club (see Article 5).

(iii) Associate membership
There shall be associate members who shall be donors, patrons etc who shall be persons introduced by a member subject to approval at the general meeting.

(b)(i) Financial obligation (dues, fines, sundry contribution etc.)
1. The annual dues shall be N25,000 (Twenty-five thousand naira) per member subject to changes as agreed upon by members at a general meeting. This shall be payable into the club’s designated bank account in Nigeria;
2. A member annual due shall be calculated based on the month he or she became a member by pro ratio;
3. The club shall raise monies from time to time in the form of levies, voluntary contributions and donation from members, associates and non-members;
4. The fine for late payment of annual dues shall be 10% of annual dues which MUST be paid before the end of the first quarter of the succeeding year; and
5. Late annual dues payment must include the 10% fine for late payment as in (3) above.

(ii) Moral obligation (meetings)
1. A member must attend meetings regularly. Inability to attend a meeting must be backed by an explanation sent to the secretary 3 days before the meeting date;
2. A member must pay his/her dues as and when due. Failure to pay dues can be regarded as flouting the club’s moral obligation; and
3. A member must respond to any message from the club at any point in time to enable the club to know his/her condition.

(iii) Social responsibility
Every member is socially responsible to contribute towards the club’s empowerment programmes and foster social activities in the community.



There shall be an office of the President elected for a duration of 2 years at a general meeting by a simple majority whose duties shall be:
(a) Leader of the club;
(b) Preside over meetings; and
(c) Coordinate all members of the club.

There shall be an office of the Vice President elected for a duration of 2 years at a general meeting by a simple majority whose duties shall be:
(a) To deputise in the absence of the President

There shall be an office of the Secretary elected for a duration of 2 years at a general meeting by a simple majority whose duties shall be:
(a) To take minutes of all meetings;
(b) To keep accurate records of the proceedings at all meetings;
(c) To keep a list of members and their contact in the form of email
addresses and telephone numbers etc;
(d) To fix and set agenda for meetings in collaboration with the President; and
(e) To notify members of meetings.


There shall be an office of the Assistant secretary elected for a duration of 2 years at a general meeting by a simple majority whose duties shall be:
(a) To deputise in the absence of the Secretary and support the Secretary at meetings.

There shall be an office of the Treasurer elected for a duration of 2 years at a general meeting by a simple majority whose duties shall be:
(a) To keep account of the finances of the club;
(b) To maintain monthly accounts of all monies received and paid on behalf of the club; and
(c) To give or publish the financial position of the club at general meetings.

There shall be an office of the Assistant Treasurer elected for a duration of 2 years at a general meeting by a simple majority whose duties shall be:
(a) To deputise in the absence of the Treasurer and support the Treasurer at meetings.

There shall be the office of the Public Relations Officer (PRO)/Organising Secretary elected for a duration of 2 years at a general meeting by a simple majority whose duties shall be:
(a) To be the spokesman of the club; and
(b) To organise activities of the club in the community.

There shall be the office of the Facilitator elected for a duration of 2 years at a general meeting by a simple majority whose duty shall be to enable or organise meetings through Zoom/Virtual in collaboration with the President or Secretary.

(b) For a member to be elected into any of the offices in Article 3, he/she must meet the requirements of Articles 2(a)(i)(1); 2(a)(i)(2); 2(a)(3); 2(ii); 2(b)(i)(1); 2(ii)(1); and 2(ii)(2).



(i) General Meeting
There shall be a general meeting once a month. This shall be on the last Saturday of the month. It shall be presided over by the President and a quorum of half of total members is required for a meeting to be called to order. Decisions shall be carried through by a simple majority of members present. The meeting shall be for 2 hours.

(ii) Executive meeting
(1) There shall be an executive meeting of elected officers not less than 3 times  a year including in the event of an emergency meeting; and
(2) The president and secretary shall meet before general meetings to set the agenda for such meetings.

(1) Meetings shall be mainly via zoom/virtual and other social media platforms as deemed fit by the executive; and
(2) There shall also be a provision for a physical meeting at least once in 5 years to be hosted by a member in any location agreed upon by members.



(1) Disciplinary action shall be taken against any member who behaves in a manner that the general meeting considers as unbecoming of a member of the club;
(2) This shall be in the form of fines as determined at the general meeting [see Article 2a(ii)]; and
(3) Members shall address other members with respect and dignity at all meetings as failure to do so may invoke disciplinary actions.



(i) Benefit to members
The club shall through donations assist any member who is bereaved, hospitalised or in need of assistance in a difficult situation. All decisions on welfare shall be made at a general meeting.
(ii) Social Project/Activities in Nigeria
The club shall propose a social project/activity in Nigeria. This shall be sponsored by members or otherwise through donations to be determined at a general meeting.

(iii) Bank account
The club shall operate a current account in a bank domiciled in Nigeria. The bank details shall be as determined in a general meeting and shall contain: Account name, Bank in Nigeria, Sort code and Account number in the form below:

– Bank:
– Sort code:
– Account Number:

This account shall hold all monies in form of dues, donations, voluntary contributions, fund raising activities, fines etc collected on behalf of the club. However, this shall be without prejudice to any other account into which the club’s funds would have been paid into and operated as deemed necessary by its consent which subsisted prior to the opening of the official account in the style referred thereto.

(iv) Signatories
(1) The signatories to the said account shall be:
(a) The treasurer; and
(b) The assistant treasurer.
(2) They shall collect and disburse funds in this bank account on behalf of the club as directed by the general meeting from time to time; and
(3) They shall update the members on the financial position of the club making sure all receipts and payments are always documented.EMOVON-OTAMERE FRIENDS CLUB



(1) The club shall when necessary through the general meeting adopt amendments to this constitution; and
(2) This is important to meet the realities of the time of any such amendments.